
Day 201 - More like Awesomefield.

Allan on Jan. 20, 2008

Well, here we go. First update in a few days. What can I say? Nothing. So I won't.

Instead I'll talk about stuff you guys already know/don't already know.

Like, how LOST is coming back in 10 days. And how Cloverfield was awesome. And so were those other movies I never got around to talking about–Sweeney Todd and Juno. All'a dem were good, if not great.

Another thing you might know about/might not know about is this thing called Smellan, which is a parody of (currently) the earliest pages of Allan. If Mun can keep it up who knows where it'll go? The drawings are pretty exact, along with the writing, he just changes things where he needs to to make it funnier. Good stuff Muntron.

I've got some homework to finish up today. I'm not sure if I'll be able to update tonight.

Anyway, sorry for my crazy and weird absence–I felt kinda bad not cluing you guys in.

PS. World of Warcraft is fun to play when you're sick/too lazy to make comics.

I'm out!

Day 202 - World of Warcraft

Allan on Jan. 23, 2008

Sorry for the sketchiness of today's comic. It was done in pencil on lined paper.

One of the things about comic I really hate (cuz it takes so much time), is redrawing things. That's why I usually don't like drawing this strip outside of ink. I had forgotten my notebook, so I decided to just draw it on lined paper. Then I was too lazy to finish it properly. Sorry.

Today's strip is dedicated to Heath Ledger, who was a great actor and a generally cool person. Rest in peace, Heath.

More comics tomorrow, assuming everything goes smoothly. Night!

Day 203 - Jealous Drunk

Allan on Jan. 25, 2008

I had another comic planned/pencil sketched (it was on the same piece of paper as the other one) already for today/yesterday, but I figured this was more important. I wasn't gunna say anything about this “event,” but when I was talking to Acadia the other day I figured it might be interesting.

Also, my left hand hurts from Guitar Hero III. I've got some strong hands now, though!

Also, anyone heard of “Ryan Adams?” He sings “The Rescue Blues” and “Firecracker” and I suggest checking out those songs (I think I like the live version of “Firecracker” better, so if you can, look for that).

Alright. I'm out for tonight! TGIF

PS. Don't go see “Meet the Spartans.” I know you're probably thinking “Duh,” but don't anyway.

Day 204 - Jen

Allan on Jan. 28, 2008

It's been about two weeks now, and she's still upset. I'm pretty worried.

Day 205 - The Answer Sure is Found!

Allan on Jan. 29, 2008

I try to throw some humor into my outlandish situation.

Sorry if this stuff is bringing you guys down.

Day 206 - "do u love me"

Allan on Jan. 31, 2008

Day 207 - "I do."

Allan on Feb. 1, 2008

Day 208 - Harder

Allan on Feb. 2, 2008

Day 209 - Lost

Allan on Feb. 3, 2008

Day 210 - Just Kidding

Allan on Feb. 4, 2008

Day 211 - Deleted.

Allan on Feb. 5, 2008

I'm starting to feel a bit better. I'll be on AIM tonight if any inquiring minds would like to know.

EDIT: To keep my mind off things I finished those drawings in the forum. Check them out–sorry for the wait.

Day 212 - Kicking Yourself

Allan on Feb. 6, 2008

I've got a few cool things going on that have kept me semi-busy the past few days.

First: I finished those drawings in the forum a few you asked me to finish a while ago. Sorry it took so long, I've been busy. If anyone still wants to sign up, go ahead and post a pic.

Second: Mediocre Militia has a new Oekaki Board, so if you like us and you're bored, register and draw some shit up!

Third: Me, Zac, Acadia, and Riot are all getting homepages at a site I have yet to relinquish the URL to. We are currently working with the admins over there to get everything set up. Stay tuned for when it's completely ready and you can check it out (Allan will remain live at DD).

That's all for now, guys!

Day 213 - Brokebox

Allan on Feb. 7, 2008

I was going to color this one, but I ran out of time. Oh well. Maybe next time.

I don't play my Xbox enough to actually care. I'm'a send it in and hope I get it back within the next 6 months working good enough that I can play more Guitar Hero II on it (because that is still my favorite Guitar Hero of the series).

Other news? Applied Living has started moving over to their new hosting site. Check out the snazzy new layout they've been cooking up. Update your bookmarks, people. That's the OFFICIAL ApL.

And, uh, Mediocre Militia is getting a booth at Wizard World in LA. I think I'm'a go! Not 100% certain, but pretty sure!

Also, Oekaki Board.

Day 214 - Libratin'

Allan on Feb. 8, 2008

God. I love Lost. Thank you for inventing Lost, so that I have something to keep me busy. Something I can ponder about, and something I can dissect.

In other news, anyone looking for some awesome psychedelic-esque music? Because if you have I've got your prescription. Black Kids have been entertaining me endlessly for the past day, and I think you guys should check them out. Download their whole 1st EP. It's completely free.

Also, for those who are curious, I'm working on a new website layout for “Allan's” move to the new server. It'll be blue. I think it'll look pretty good. In fact, let me upload a little preview of what I'm working and you guys can give me feedback.


This is just a preview, so all the line's'll be a little straighter and the nav. buttons will look better.

Other than that, just check out MM… Carly updated it with some cool drawings, and we've still got that Oekaki board going (and I'm trying to sketch in it during my spare time).

Keeping busy is keeping my mind off recent happenings, so just for everyone's information: I'm holding up just fine. You guys are definitely helping, though, and I'd like to thank you all for being such dedicated fans and actually caring.

Alright, I'm out.

Day 215 - Too Much Free Time

Allan on Feb. 9, 2008

You know when people say “Man, you have too much free time,” as a joke, and then everyone laughs?

Yeah, well, for me it's true (everyone laugh now).



Day 216 - Waiting on the World to Change

Allan on Feb. 10, 2008

I was really looking forward to getting away at some point this weekend.

…just going out and having a good time.


So, uh, lots of people are drawing over at the Oekaki at MM.

If you haven't yet, it's a great way to practice digital drawing/seems to be easier to get into than regular sketching.

More news to come maybe.

EDIT: If you guys have an Online Comics account, check out Allan, which is now on it. Lata.

Day 217 - Make Up For It

Allan on Feb. 11, 2008

Notes tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep.

Day 218 - Ryan's Party

Allan on Feb. 14, 2008

Chigga-what? More news tomorrow.

Edit: Happy VD everyone!

Day 219 - Ryan's Party 2

Allan on Feb. 17, 2008

I had a busy weekend, guys. Sorry for no comics. I'll be around tomorrow so I can catch up.

Uh, part 2 of 3.

Day 220 - Ryan's Party 3

Allan on Feb. 18, 2008

I'm thinking I might do one more strip of “Ryan's Party” just so I can conclude like I want to. Plus nothing all that great happened this weekend. I saw Fool's Gold. It was about as good as I thought it would be.

Other than that, today I worked on the new site's new layout, and chatted with a bunch of people.

Also, I realized I liked Pro Oekaki better than Regular Oekaki, and we've had a big burst of energy over there in the OKKI room, so check it out. It's definitely where all the cool kids are at, and if you aren't cool, then you should go to become cool.

Uhm, other than that, Lost was cool on Thursday (I don't think I mentioned that), and that's it. Later guys!

Day 221 - Ryan's Party 4

Allan on Feb. 19, 2008

K. Concluded, I suppose. Nothing more to add other than I couldn't sleep because everyone was making too much noise.

Anyway, Ryan and I are cool now (it's been like a week since this happened), so don't worry about us. He was just trying to help in his own weird way.

Oekaki, and I'm updating Xum.

EDIT: I updated Xum, in all it's colorful glory. Check it out.

Day 222 - Awkward

Allan on Feb. 20, 2008

Three important things (in order of importance):

One: Check it. We're still working out bugs, but everything should be near-functional and complete within a week. The url will be “,” too.

Two: Check this. Then this. And then this. Register if you have the time/interest. Everyone over at RS would love to hear your feedback on all their works when it's all done and set up.

Three: Still, Oekaki. Still.

All for now.

Day 223 - Sukpod

Allan on Feb. 21, 2008

I haven't filtered through my music selection for a few months now, and I did download a huge collection of music a few months ago. Ever since that fateful day I've been plagued with the occasional summer dance beat and 80's Hair-metal rock infecting my headphones (and, consequently, my brain).

I should just delete the whole collection, but there are, like, two good songs I want to keep. So I have to filter. Filter through 4.3 gigs of music.

Oh the fun I'll have.

Also, I'll be away tomorrow/maybe either Saturday/Sunday. We'll see how things turn out.

New Site.

New Forum.



Day 224 - Warts

Allan on Feb. 22, 2008

Didn't I make two comics just like this in The 600?

Oh, and for all of you who are wondering about how this new site is going to coexist with the old site, it's pretty simple:

The new site will stay approximately 3 updates (Days) ahead of this Drunk Duck Mirror. I'm trying to navigate more readers over to what I'm considering Allan's homepage, but I'm not going to delete Drunk Duck's mirror just yet. A lot of readers pass through here, and it wouldn't be fair of me.

The site is still undergoing changes, so don't be hatin' if there's something on there bugging you. Chances are we're working to fix it. Speaking of which I have a topic about just that kinda thing in the forum.

And Oekaki.

Day 225 - Mandy's Txt

Allan on Feb. 23, 2008

Gotta sleep. Notes tomorrow.

EDIT: K. I got some rest. I wanted to let you all know I meant to write “23” instead of 24, mostly because when I was drawing this it was past midnight and I was looking at my computer's date. Oh well. I'll edit it if I can.

I don't plan on calling or texting Mandy back. You guys are right, there are rules there that should remain unbroken.

As for other stuff, the new site (with the working url "") is almost fully functional. I'm figuring I'll get it done within a week, but for now you all can update your bookmarks if you'd like. The author's notes will probably be moved from here, to over there, and there will just be a little condensed version here. Or something. I don't know I'm still working on it.

Talk to you all later.

Day 226 - Haircut

Allan on Feb. 24, 2008

I like my hair longer, so why go to a barber to get it cut an inch and a half for ten bucks when I can do it at home for free?

Anyway, notes tomorrow.

Day 227 - Stacy

Allan on Feb. 25, 2008

Ever time I hear her name I think of Fountains of Wayne's song “Stacey's Mom.”

I gotta be honest I miss the ball and chain.

EDIT: I found a cool comic last night called Obscene Cuisine. It was rated A, but after further inspection it obviously can get away with an “M” rating… so I asked the author (codenamed “Obscene Cuisine”) if he could change it to M so more people could read it. Check it out if you haven't already!

Day 228 - Stacy 2

Allan on Feb. 26, 2008

Stacy is spelled S-T-A-C-Y. My Bad.

Also, there's always tomorrow.

Still finishing up the new site, and don't forget to register in the forums. I'll make some buttons so you guys can just click on over there.

Day 229 - Dave

Allan on Feb. 27, 2008


More later.

Day 230 - Forgot

Allan on Feb. 28, 2008

This happens to me at least once a day.

Also, this strip brought to you by insomnia! Shit yeah!

Day 231 - John

Allan on Feb. 29, 2008

John's this guy I know who comes up to me, randomly speaks movie quotes, and then leaves.

HEY! It's March 1st! You know what that means! APRIL FOOLS!

Oh. That's not until April? Aw, well.

Hey, hey, hey.

Remember The 600?

Wanna be a part of that?

Now's your chance.

EDIT: I made a Guest Strip for Applied Living!

Day 232 - Stacy 3

Allan on March 1, 2008

IMPORTANT EDIT: New homepage: up-to-date! Three strips ahead of this one! Make sure to check it daily for a strip 3 days ahead of this one!

I'm not complaining. Don't think I'm complaining.

Remember The 600? Wanna be a part of that?

Now's your chance.

Day 233 - Vicariously

Allan on March 2, 2008

New site. 3 days ahead.

The 900.

Day 234 - Pens

Allan on March 3, 2008

I admit, this strip was a little uninspired. I was trying to get 3 extra strips under my belt and I was shit out of ideas.

The strip available on the homepage is actually what happened on Monday, rather than… Saturday.

Also, The 900.

Day 235 - Tired of this Shit

Allan on March 4, 2008

Quite possibly one of my best-written strips in a long, long time.

Betcha can't guess what happened on the homepage?

Day 236 - Octopus Monster!

Allan on March 5, 2008

It seems that only when I'm partially/completely naked to I dream about this fellow.

Ah well.

Day 237 - Not Yet

Allan on March 6, 2008

Don't ever not ask a girl out you like and then tell Ryan about it. He'll beat the spit right out of your mouth.

Day 238 - Now or Never

Allan on March 7, 2008

I love days like this. They always leave me feeling so freakin' great.

More stuff later.

Homepage - The 900

Day 239 - Procrastination

Allan on March 8, 2008

Someone said a few days ago “vicarious” was one of their favorite words.

One of my favorite words (only because it describes me perfectly) is “procrastinate.”

You can understand why.

Back to book-filling-in!-ing!

Note: Just in case you guys don't know this, the author's notes in these comics are taken straight from the homepage… so no… I'm not actually filling in a workbook at 11:40 at night on a Saturday.

Homepage - The 900

Day 240 - What an Id-iot

Allan on March 9, 2008

I personally like the title of this strip.

Never get in an argument with my hat… it'll always win.

Day 241 - Feeling Better

Allan on March 10, 2008

The comments previously related to this strip are no longer valid… pretty much. I guess they're just not important.

Anyway, I made a super/cool (IMO) animation, which is visible on the homepage, or on MM… or here.

Day 242 - 2 Hours 2 Late

Allan on March 11, 2008

Still no direct contact.

I know she's not avoiding me, because every once in a while I get a message from her, and then I respond and I never get a reply.

(Maybe she's just baiting me?)

Day 243 - Plan B

Allan on March 13, 2008

Day 244 - Voicemail

Allan on March 14, 2008

I wonder if the font is working as well as I'd have hoped. Probably not. I might just go back to hand lettering. That way I can always reread my strips in my book. Plus if I ever sell the original art it'll be worth more (no editing)!

Anywho, it's fun to make your own font, and if it doesn't work for the strip, I'll probably just let anyone who wants to use it.

PS. New comment system at the homepage is working well. Check it out.

Day 245 - Things To Do...

Allan on March 15, 2008

Not much to report… hope you guys are having a good weekend!

Day 246 - The Beach 1

Allan on March 16, 2008

Part one of about 5. More tomorrow!

Day 247 - The Beach 2

Allan on March 17, 2008

You guys remember Ryan-O? He was the guy who was going to go to the beach with me.

The story is not finished yet! There's more… stay tuned! Lata.

Day 248 - The Beach 3

Allan on March 18, 2008

I don't like the pacing in this one as much as the pacing in the others, but I suppose it'll have to do for now.

Not much else to talk about.

Go apply for The 900.

Day 249 - The Beach 4

Allan on March 20, 2008

Double update! Check the one after this. (This also means double update on the homepage!)

On another note: I love the pacing in this strip, especially. I don't know why… but I think it makes up for yesterday's pacing problems (some thought it was too fast, some thought it was too slow). I think this one works perfectly. What do you think?

More later. I'm out.

Day 250 - The Beach 5

Allan on March 20, 2008

Double update! Check the one before this. (This also means double update on the homepage!)


Day 251 - The Beach 6

Allan on March 21, 2008


This storyline sure is taking a while.

Day 252 - The Beach 7 (Finale)

Allan on March 22, 2008

We talked for hours and hours about stuff that had to do with us!


Wasn't that fun?

Day 253 - Rock You (Like a Hurricane*)

Allan on March 24, 2008


Back to hand lettering the strips for now! Also, I used a different pen. I know, it's thicker and darker and that's yucky so I probably won't use it again!


Sean P's making AHAB again.

Day 254 - St. Patrick's Day

Allan on March 24, 2008

Yes, I'm aware this strip is late…

(Homepage, duh)




Day 255 - Easter Brunch

Allan on March 26, 2008

Easter Brunch was good… which I will talk about in tomorrow's strip.

Uh, czech this out.

Day 256 - The Day After (Easter)

Allan on March 27, 2008

You know, there is no pin-point day I can remember when I started this autobio a year ago, except for the Easter Strip.

I remember when it was Easter last year, and I remember making a strip about it, and that is how I know it has been over a year since I've started this strip.

It feels good.

Did I mention these have gone back to being hand-lettered? Sorry if I forgot to mention that. I'm mentioning it now, though.


Day 257 - A Hypothetical... RIDE

Allan on March 28, 2008

The title of today's strip is a rewrite of one of Scrubs' jokes, where Dr. Cox says he'll help JD as long as he doesn't use the term “An emotion roller coaster.”

…so JD says, “Fine, it just feels like I'm on an emotional… ride of some sort…!”

God I miss Scrubs. I hear they might be making an 8th season on ABC. That way, ABC will have 2 good shows!

Anyway, more comics mo' prawlems. SRSLY. I'm out. 

PS. Check out MM, I've been spending time actually drawing things and I'd like some opinions. Click here for the awesome.

Day 258 - Age of Barbarians

Allan on March 29, 2008

Man oh man am I looking forward to that game.

More news later!

Note: That is not meant to be Conan from the Conan the Barbarian series, just a barbarian in general. I guess. I don't know.

Day 259 - Alpha Dave

Allan on March 31, 2008


So, this is Dave. From Applied Living. He threatened me with murder, so I was forced to put him in here. Here's Dave.

In other news, I'm looking for anyone to help me out over at the homepage. I need people to transcribe comics! If anyone can help, just maybe go through a couple strips in the archive and transcribe them. Here's the link to the homepage, the button is under every strip, and it says “Transcribe this comic!”

Thanks guys!

PS. This was a double update. Check forward.

Day 260 - Talking Doesn't Help

Sorry for the late update, I was up all night drawing this little thingamajig right here, and you can check it out right now by just CLICKING ON IT.

In other news: Nothing! When I have more ideas, I will put them here. 

Day 261 - Homework Shmomework

All these projects will be readily made viewable for you when they are done (if they get done).

It's true, I have a lot of homework due around Monday/Tuesday, but that's alright with me... I'll just do it tomorrow...

...I hope.

Anywho, time for me to watch more South Park episodes, and look over drawings I'm working with. Cya guys. 

Day 262 - Blades of Glory

Good news right?

When I'm too tired to make a strip I'll usually try to whip one up the next morning, but because today was school this had to wait until I got home.

Anywho, there will be another comic tonight! Check back at 12 am PST (If you can stay up that late (otherwise just check back tomorrow)).

Funny movie, though. Still.

EDIT: Check out that little blue and white button under every strip, guys. It's called transcribing and it's awesome. Basically, it'll help you all find the strips you're looking for once the strip has been transcribed. You type in the script, what's going on, etc., and in the future you can find that script just by typing in a bit of text that you remember. Help out if you've got the means! 

Day 263 - Stacey?

It doesn't happen a lot, but sometimes I can't sum up my thoughts into a coherent comic. I couldn't get anything out past that 1st panel, so I guess I lose on tonight's update.

Oh well.

Also: this may sound bad, but I hope Stacey's at home, just really sick. It'd be better than the stupid scenarios I play in my head.

In news, news I need people to transcribe some comics for me! That way everyone who wants to just search for comics can do so by typing in the "Search Allan" text field above the comments. Just click the "Transcribe This Comic!" button under the strip and it'll take you to a page to transcribe the current strip you're on. I'll do some in my free time, but if you guys can help out, I'd really appreciate it!


EDIT: If you don't see a "Transcribe This Comic!" button under the strip, it means it's already been transcribed, and it is ready for searching whenever you need to search for it! If there's an "Improve Transcription" button, it means it's partially transcript(ed+, but it could be better (Character names, etc.). 

Day 264 - April Fools!

April Fools. 

Day 265 - Making Amends

Before you start: Yes. It was an April Fools Day joke. I'm sorry I didn't get it up ON APRIL FOOLS, but I draw my strip for the day on the day it's happening. Next year I'll do one ON April 1st. I promise.

Uh, also: this character is not based on you guys. I love you guys. This character is based on a certain e-mail I got today about a guy who scoured the Californian obituaries looking for a Stacey, but apparently no Stacey 16-17 died yesterday. That's good news.

Plus, I would've never EVER done a strip about Stacey dying in a car crash if I didn't know for a fact she was OK (because I did actually see her on Monday, but I already had this idea in my mind).

So yeah. No more shocking for another 364 days. You're free to not sweat it.

PS. If you didn't catch it, the author's notes were in white, yesterday, and I will be editing them to normal color so everyone can read it. I'll also be changing the title of the strip to "April Fools" for no future confusion.


I still need Transcriptions! I've been working on them, but I'm only one man and it's going to take me a month or two to get them all finished. The more you guys do the more it helps. Thank you for all the ones you've already done! I appreciate it.

I used to have a little button under the Author's notes that said "Protection" back when e-mail addresses were required. I've recently decided that the website it links to is BS and doesn't do shit except generate traffic for ads. So I got rid of it and replaced it with a "Bookmark" tool bar! Now you can Stumble, Digg, (?), or e-mail (and many more) the site with ease. Plus if you just wanna bookmark the actual page, just press Ctrl+D. It's that easy.

I'm off to bed now, guys. I got school tomorrow and more CHATTING WITH STACEY (WHO IS ALIVE AND WELL) to do. 

Day 266 - Trialled-Hood

The title of this strip is actually spelled the way UK people would spell trial-ed.

Us Americans don't have a word for trial-ed that rhymes with child, so whatever.

I am dead tired. I got like no sleep last night and now Ican't stop using italics.

I hope you guys had a good day. It might not look like it based off the general tone of this strip, but I did have a good day. More tomorrow. I might be leaving for the weekend. We'll see. If I do I'll try to get some comics whipped up first.

PS. Keep transcribing! Thanks for doing it so far!

PPS. I want to hold a contest. If you want to help, please check out this thread! Thanks guys! 

Day 267 - L-AIM Situations

Hee hee. Another good title.

Uh, if my AIM convos were real I think I'd be gay, because I like flirting with David to freak him out (yet he never gets freaked out and sometimes he retaliates).

...Maybe I shouldn't share that stuff with you guys.


Day 268 - Back To Grandma's

Back to Grandmother's house we go,
skipping merrily through the snow,
upon reaching it we will see,
how painful grandma's bite can be.

Those false teeth look false enough,
and that hair looks like a raggedy muff,
but when you get that old hag mad,
hell will be had. Hell will be had.

Sorry about the absence on my part this weekend guys. I'll try to make it up to you.

In other news, enjoy this 3-page story about life at my grandmother's for 4 days (I skipped school on Monday).

I'm out! More stuff tonight. 

Day 269 - Day 2

This strip is actually a lie. I got no drawing done the entire time I was there.

I got some fan art (?) yesterday (or was it the day before) by my friend Cheeko!

You can check out the fan art here, or here, and click onCheeko's name to see her comic!


PS. Check out the Extra's section if you can, I've got new links in there, an improved gallery layout, and just more good stuff to go around. It's still under construction, but eventually it'll work as well as this index page does. 

Day 270 - Day 4 (Finale)

You know how long it's been since I've read a Calvin and Hobbes strip?

Unless you count these, far too long.

When people compared yesterday's strip to C&H, I had no idea what they were talking about. Then it kind clicked. With the whole "comparing real life to fantasy" thing.

I must not read C&H enough, though, because I hadn't made the connection until two people pointed it out.

My point? No point. Later.

(CONTEST CONTEST MOLEST THIS CONTEST (those should be heavy metal lyrics)) 

Day 271 - Partners in Crime

I couldn't think of a good title for this strip. I know now that I've said that someone (like Talekyn) is going to come on over here and pun me to death, but I DON'T CARE.


Anyway, contest, blah, blah, blah. 

Day 272 - Shaved by the Bell


Anyway, contest, blah, blah, blah. 

Day 273 - (User was Banned for this Post)

Unless you know ****, you probably won't find the title funny.

Uh, good news, though: no one said anything to me? That's good news right? Or... or is it bad? Oh goodness I hope it's not bad!

In other news, made sure to catch the Office episode I missed on Thursday, and I've gotta say I loved it. I haven't been able to feel that uncomfortable in a long time. It made me really glad Jim and Pam were still together.

Also: is it just me, or is Michael getting smarter? I dunno. There's just something there that wasn't there before--I pretty much feel bad for him now.

Plus: 30 Rock was good as well. Lots of character changes going on, I've never pictured Lemon as a go-getter in the means of putting herself first over others. Maybe I just haven't watched it in long enough, but she always seemed to be the sweet one of the group. Or at least the silly one... or the smart one.

Alright! That's it for now. Contest if you can.

ALSO: New thing in the forum, STORE IDEAS :D 

Day 274 - Strung Up on Lost

I'm just going to tell all you people out there who don't watch Lost and who don't know this about me, but I've seen every episode of LOST, including all of Season 2, 3, and what has been of 4, and I've gotta tell you that Charley doesn't die in the first season. Even after knowing this, the death scene where Charley almost dies in 1 is still shocking and it still gets me thinking every time, even after knowing he's already going to live.

Also, if you haven't seen this episode, you might not realize how genius this title is.

More stuff tomorrow!


Day 275 - Gotta Steal 'em All!

Goodness gracious. I was talking with Horatio today and I had completely forgotten about this story. Good thing he helped me remember!

Meowth, that's right! More news later.


Day 276 - Gotta Trip 'em All!

Nothing substantial happened today in my life, so I figured I'd expand on that little scenario John and I were laughing so hard about.

Also, that final line (or the former before the latter), is kinda like a shout-out to Scott who helped John and I to think about Pokemon for the first time in quite a while. Thanks Scott.

More stuff later or when it comes to mind. Sign up in the forums and contribute if you can. I'm sure you'll all be welcomed for being so boisterous.

Alright. I'm out. 

Day 277 - Ridiculous Reasons Requiting Roles

Ah Alliteration, how I adore thee. Amazing and Artsy, Alliteration is my armor in the arduous task of arson.

...wait what? 

Day 278 - The Truth 1

This is probably going to be the storyline that ruins everything for me, guys.

I believe my reality has been shattered. More tomorrow.

Also, I've gotten the Xum shirt up in the new store. I'll be updating links to the Store in the near-future, but for now I'm just going to tell you to click here if you're interested. More products to come in the future, I'm sure.

EDIT: Thank you guys for voting and doing transcriptions! It's really helping. 

Day 279 - The Truth 2

Notes on the comic:

More has developed in the situation than I had previously though, and it's kinda making my head hurt. I don't want to ruin anything, so I won't give anything away, but I can tell you that I am pretty pissed off at some people for what I have to do.

More tomorrow. For now I need to get some sleep. I just had a rough test. 

Day 280 - The Truth 3

At this point my accusation of Ricky was merely speculation. A lot has happened since then, so I can't really tell you what it is that has happened (because it'd ruin it), but you guys probably won't like it.

More tomorrow. Thanks for reading! 

Day 281 - The Truth 4

Let me clarify that I wasn't eager to "beat Ricky up," but I really wanted to talk to him. Sure I went home and tried to connect with him through internet means, but to no avail. I doubt he was avoiding me, he was just not on.

This story is nowhere near over, either, guys. This may take a week or two.

Thanks for reading. 

Day 282 - The Truth 5

Not much to say about tonight's strip, other than that'sDave, and I decided to "go out" with Izzy to "see" a "movie."

You might think my response was rash, but I thought it a good idea at the time.

Enough for now. 

Day 283 - The Truth 6


...or at least the girls are, at least?

Sorry for the late strip, had to study. You guys understand. More tomorrow.

PS. New fan art by NickatworkCheck it out

Day 284 - The Truth 7


Day 285 - The Truth 8

OK. OK, OK, OK, OK. Okay. OK.


So I know some of you will be all "YES." and some of you will be all "NO." and some of you will be all "Violence is not the answer!" and some of you will be all "HARUMPH." but I apologize. No. I did not apologize to Ricky. I apologize to you, my readers, for me punching Ricky in the face. I know it was a dumb idea. I know that. After everything that Ricky had put me through (Izzy, Jen, Jen, JEN) it just hit me and I couldn't help myself. If I had had anything else to hit, I probably would've... but there was his face, and then it was my fist.

I cannot tell you whether or not there were/have been repercussions since, because that's part of the story, but so far nothing bad has happened (and it's been almost a week). I'm probably clear.

Thank you all for reading/voting/spreading the word about my strip... I really appreciate it and I hope that shows.

PS. Not the end of the storyline yet. More tomorrow 

Day 286 - The Truth 9

I've noticed some people have been spreading the word about "Allan," and I'd like to thank you. Every plug, every mention, every link and nudge helps out. If you guys like this strip, I don't mind if you plug it anywhere you like (even if you don't like it, I suppose).

In comic news, you might've seen Ricky post around here lately in the comments section under the author's notes. Don't mind him. I believe they are empty lies designed to get a rise out of me (or empty threats designed for the same thing). He hasn't said a word to me at school and I'm glad. Hopefully I won't have to deal with him for a while.

Thank you all for your input. For your comments both here and in the forums, and everywhere else. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the rest of this. 

Day 287 - The Truth 10

I am sorry about the lines in this one. My old pen died in the middle of me inking tonight's, so I had to go back over the lines I'd already finished to make it match. Now it looks awfully thick (that's what she said?).

Anyway. Date part: gogogo.

NOTE: I have set up a forum thread for which you can see IMAGES (or post images) of any of the SHIRTS you might've BOUGHT from the STORE (not much to choose from yet). New stores and such coming in the future. Probably not for a while, but in the future, so be on the lookout (in the future). 

Day 288 - The Truth 11

What? If a girl I am attracted to leans on my shoulder, I don't think I'll be the first one to stop her.

...don't you judge me. 

Day 289 - The Truth 12

Day 290 - The Truth 13

Long one today! 

Day 291 - The Truth 14

So, this page is extra long. Twice as long. This is a double update! It's the better kind, though, because you don't have to go back a page and read the one before this. I just merged what I could've made 2 into, into 1!

About the strip?:

I'm going to let you all draw your own conclusions on this one. Hope I didn't push the "squirm factor too far". 

Day 292 - The Truth 15

Cool stuff: We've got a Facebook group! Like Facebook? Like groups? Like Allan? Then join it! Click here! Spread the word.

Notes on the comic:

I could've gone a few different directions with today's strip, but I decided to clue you guys in on Jen first. Hope that is alright.

More tomorrow! Thanks for reading! 

Day 293 - The Truth 16

OK, first off, this story will be over by page 300, guaranteed. It might end on 299, it might end on 300. We'll see how it goes. You will find resolution within the next 8 pages.

Also, if you're sick of the drama, that'll end within 4 pages. Hope that's alright.

2 more things.

1: We've got a Facebook Group, so you can join that and invite all your friends if'n you wanna!

2: I'd like to just say hey to any new readers, and thank you all for stopping by! Thanks guys!

Alright! More tomorrow. 

Day 294 - The Truth 17

Tomorrow's update is twice as long as these next few, because I thought it'd flow well and I didn't want you guys to have to wait too long for me to get out of the drama and back onto the wit.

That means this story will end on page 299! Hope you guys are ready!

Also, if you want to spread the word about Allan, I'll be working on making some links for your linking pleasure so you can spread the word easier! Expect those done by later today (I'll edit the author's notes and tell you guys when I'm done.).

Thanks for reading! 

Day 295 - The Truth 18

It's not really that special, but technically this is a double update. If you can guess where the page is supposed to split into the second one you get bonus points.

Remember yesterday how I said I'd get some links up and running for you guys? Haven't quite finished it. Here'sone, if you're interested (it's the long kind), and I'll get some of the smaller ones ASAP!

I'm going to be seeing Iron Man today, so I'll be sure to tell you all how that goes. 

Day 296 - The Truth 19

Yay, we're out of the drama. Man, am I glad we're out of the drama. I really flexed my drama muscles with this storyline and I think it turned out well. Now, this day is approximately Monday, 3 weeks ago, so Rob had probably only read up to about here.

Anywho, back to the wit/whatever you want to call it. 3 strips left to this storyline!

PS. I saw Iron Man. I liked it. I also saw Across the Universe. I also liked that. I had a good Sunday. 

Day 297 - The Truth 20

I am very pleased visually with tonight's page. I wasn't very pleased with yesterday's, but today's makes me pretty happy.

Also, I've been playing with new styles, and unless I've already heard from you, I could use your input! Here's the forum.

2 days 'till the story is over! How's it gunna end? I'm so excited.

3 days 'till the big 3-0-0! Looking forward to that, too.

More later guys!

PS. Drew. I beat you to it

Day 298 - The Truth 21

Hey Ricky, are you reading this? Is that bruise healed yet?

Guys, the story only has 1 more page left. Then I'm going to try out a new thing for a few pages. 10-20 pages, starting on page 300. I'll follow up with more details when I have them.

More later! 

Day 299 - The Truth 22

The end of that story!

Now we can resume normal stuff!

...or can we? 

Day 300 - Smellebrate

So guys, 300th page and the new test-run style.

How do you like it?

My decision relies on your feedback!

More later!

PS. For those who don't know about the Blue Squire, here's some examples.